Thursday, March 15, 2012

Navigating the World

Here are my wonderful new 5th grade students learning to navigate the world. In World History we're studying maps, hemispheres, and longitude & latitude. They love moving around the room to use the maps and globe, but they're not the only ones navigating the world... Our text books and workbooks are also navigating across the Pacific Ocean! 

Here are a few other updates... 
- Teaching 8th grade has been a great fit! I've always wanted to teach junior high, I just never expected to do it while I was teaching 5th grade. This year I have 20 fifth graders and 14 eighth graders. It's been great getting to know them, but there is definitely a bit more grading! (Just finished graded two 8th grade quizzes and the tests start tomorrow!)
- I'm enjoying teaching, but praying for God's strength, perseverance and creativity every day. The beginning of the school year has been long hours. I'm also praying that this slows down as we establish more of a pattern.
- I'm thankful that I've been able to maximize my time with "prayer runs" most mornings. Kari & I take turns praying for our students, MCS, our ministries, and God's direction, among other things during our extended runs! What a way to spend the first part of your day!

Please Pray:
- Rest & Energy
- Patiences and organization with teaching 2 grades
- Text books & workbooks to arrive very soon!!!

1 comment:

  1. Natalie, the girl in the very front looks kind of like you! Miss you my friend and I'm praying for you!
    <3 Heidi Ostermann
