Monday, February 21, 2011

una semana buena / a good week...

Wow, what a great second week I've had! There is so much to tell... here's a list of some of the awesome things from this week:
      • Meeting my roommate Kari! Great roommate, teacher, and running partner :)
      • Almost got to go paragliding...the wind wasn't strong enough, but were going to try again!
      • Going to Lima's incredible water fountain park
      • Staying at school till 5pm 3 days this week... count down to first day of school... 8 Days. Although today is our first Teacher in-service day. Praise the Lord we still have a week to get ready! 
      • Surfing!! Got up 5 or 6 times in an hour or so, I'm hoping I can go at least a few more times while I only live 30 minutes from the beach :)
      • Got to help a Peruvian Chef in the kitchen, learned a few things, and am excited to learn more!
      • Tried a new church today, I liked it! I'm going to try out a few before I decide were to go, but this one will be in the running! (ps. I teared up a little during worship, because I thought of my church back home, love & miss you guys, you're not easily replaced!)
      • I got to make the Aji Cream
        sauce for this potato dish :
      • Met about 8 other missionary teachers from another Christian school close by, and we had some great fellowship (in English) today! 

      Pray for:
      - Teacher training that starts tomorrow! 
      - Getting used to the new "teacher routine"
      - That I would be bold in sharing my faith and look for opportunities to do so

      Tuesday, February 15, 2011

      praying by name...

      Yesterday I went to my classroom for the first time! It was exciting to think about what all will happen in that room over these next 10 months. But it was also a little overwhelming as I stared at the blank walls and the stack of teacher's manuals, and then started to make my to do list. So I decided to do my devotions there in the room and pray over that space. The passage I was reading today was Matthew 21:18-22. In these verses, Jesus was telling his disciples to have faith in the power of God, that it can even move mountains... vs. 22 says, "You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it." After I read this I was amazed at how God was speaking to me the moment that I need it! Through Christ as our intercessor, we have access to and Almighty God! We need to pray specifically and have faith that in the power of God that it can be done! When I had finished reading I went to write in my prayer journal and noticed it was sitting on top of a large paper with names on it... the names of my 17 fifth grade students! I got to pray for them by name(!) that God would work in each of their hearts this year and in mine as well! Later that day I was reminded of the verse Hebrews 13:21 "May he equip you with all you need for doing his will. May he produce in you, through the power of Jesus Christ, every good thing that is pleasing to him. All glory to him forever and ever! Amen." Praise God for equipping us for the good things he has called us to do!
      Pray (specifically) for:
      - That we will receive the rest of the text books (which are stuck at customs) before school starts March 1st.
      - Wisdom & creativity as I organize the classroom & begin planning lessons
      - Something specific in your own life :) 

      Monday, February 14, 2011


      I've been here for 6 days now, and I'm adjusting more each day. The people here are warm, friendly  and welcoming, just as I remembered them. I have already gotten to see some old friends, and meet several new ones! I've gotten to do several run things: 
      - Wednesday I went to the zoologíco with the Frerichs' (fam I stayed with last time in Perú) and two other families.

      - Saturday afternoon I went with the school director's family to Nelsa's (a secretary at the school) house to eat Aji de gallina, my favorite Peruvian dish!
      - Sunday I went with the Frerichs' family to a church plant at the beach. Steve gave a powerful sermon, and Praise God, three women raised their hands for salvation! Then we spent the day at the beach... some of the biggest olas (waves) I've ever seen!

      - Last but not least, I found out I will be teaching 5th grade, all subjects except math. I'm excited to see my classroom tomorrow and start preparing!
      Pray for:
      - Strength and comfort from God
      - Wisdom & Creativity as I prepare for my fifth graders!
      - Safe travels for my roommate Kari as she arrives tomorrow :)
      thanks for your prayers!

      Thursday, February 10, 2011

      my apartment / mi apartamento

      I didn't ask too many questions about the apartment before I came, so was pleasantly surprised when I arrived to a beautiful & spacious apartment :) There are four bedrooms and currently only three of us living here, so there's plenty of room. One more teacher will be arriving next week, and another in May. It's about 4 blocks from the school (MCS) and about 4 blocks from a grocery store and other little shops. As I walked to the grocery store today I spotted several parks a long the way! 

      family room / el salón
      living room / el salón
      kitchen / la concina 
      upstairs patio / el patio

      Wednesday, February 9, 2011

      my new bedroom...

      more photos to come...

      El primer día (the first day)...

      First day was pretty swell. (aside from a little head cold)
      morning: slept in & unpacked. 
      afternoon: went to Jokey Plaza (mall) w/ my roommate Christina (also a teacher at MCS). I recognized many of the streets and places while we road around town which was both exciting & comforting!
      evening: dinner @ Don Maminos with new Peruvian friends... let's just say I got a lot of practice with Spanish or as the Peruvians say "Castellano."
      tomorrow: I get to see the Frerich's again! We're going to el zoológico. 
      Pray for:
      - my sinuses to clear up
      - that I would continue to learn the Peruvian customs
      - that I would rely on God daily!
      thanks for all the encouragement

      Tuesday, February 8, 2011

      He has it COVERED!

      God has everything covered! as I was so wonderfully reminded today :) Thank you for covering me in prayer today. I made it safely to Peru without any delays or complications! 
      i'll write more later, as for now... i'm off to bed.

      Saturday, February 5, 2011

      Please Pray, It's Only 2 Days Away...

      Wow, I can't believe in just 2 days I'll be on a plane on the way to Lima! It has come up quickly, but I've been blessed to be able to spend a lot of time these last few weeks with my  family and friends! Last Sunday I was blessed by my home church as they prayed for me and continued to support me with words of encouragement, lots of hugs, and financially. I'm so thankful for my church family & the many others who have been so supportive! Although I will miss so many wonderful people as I leave, I'm also excited to start out on this next adventure that God is leading me in!

      I also got an update from Monterrico Christian School, that another teacher has raised support and is able to come by the beginning of the school year, praise God! With this great blessing for the school, also come a few adjustments as far as shifting which grades teachers will be with. There is a possibility I won't be teaching 5th & 6th grade Language Arts & Bible, but may have a different opportunity. I'll keep you posted :)

      Please Pray for:
      - wisdom & ease while I finish packing & blessed 2 days w/ my family
      - Nancy, the school principal, as she assigns teachers to classes
      - safe travels
      - willingness for me to be stretched by God on this new adventure
