Tuesday, February 15, 2011

praying by name...

Yesterday I went to my classroom for the first time! It was exciting to think about what all will happen in that room over these next 10 months. But it was also a little overwhelming as I stared at the blank walls and the stack of teacher's manuals, and then started to make my to do list. So I decided to do my devotions there in the room and pray over that space. The passage I was reading today was Matthew 21:18-22. In these verses, Jesus was telling his disciples to have faith in the power of God, that it can even move mountains... vs. 22 says, "You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it." After I read this I was amazed at how God was speaking to me the moment that I need it! Through Christ as our intercessor, we have access to and Almighty God! We need to pray specifically and have faith that in the power of God that it can be done! When I had finished reading I went to write in my prayer journal and noticed it was sitting on top of a large paper with names on it... the names of my 17 fifth grade students! I got to pray for them by name(!) that God would work in each of their hearts this year and in mine as well! Later that day I was reminded of the verse Hebrews 13:21 "May he equip you with all you need for doing his will. May he produce in you, through the power of Jesus Christ, every good thing that is pleasing to him. All glory to him forever and ever! Amen." Praise God for equipping us for the good things he has called us to do!
Pray (specifically) for:
- That we will receive the rest of the text books (which are stuck at customs) before school starts March 1st.
- Wisdom & creativity as I organize the classroom & begin planning lessons
- Something specific in your own life :) 


  1. How precious to pray over those kiddos by name. They will all have a special place in your heart - likely forever. Your first class, Peru, and simply because you are praying for them and investing in their lives in so much MORE than just education. Thank you for sharing...I so love the Hebrews verse..and God is faithful, faithful, faithful and He does equip us!!
    I prayed as you asked...love and hugs, Jane

  2. Wow, what an opportunity to be teaching 5th graders in Peru for a year. So much fun, praying for God's blessings on your planning and impact on these kids' lives.
