Wednesday, April 27, 2011


The past few weeks we've been studying cycles in science. We've studied the human life cycle, the life cycle of salmon, and finally the flowering bean plant life cycle. I had no idea lima beans and kidney beans could be so exciting! Our Lord and Creator truly is amazing!
The first day we soaked beans in water and then dissected them to learn the different parts of a bean. Did you know that when you eat beans you're eating a bean coat, young roots, and young leaves?
The students each got to put 3 beans in a baggie with a wet paper towel to 
watch the bean plants go through the first few stages of the bean cycle. 
The students loved naming their beans and talking as if they were their children growing up right before their eyes :) Every morning the students rushed in to see who's bean had emerging roots... 

And leaves, and eventually they became strong enough to stand up inside the baggies.
I think the most memorable bean names may have been Gaby's, Peter, James, and John. 
They were so proud of their sprouting bean plants! 

1 comment:

  1. How COOL, Nat! I love seeing things like this that you do in your classroom!! Way to go, girl! You're rockin this teacher thing! :) Hugs and love my dear... think of you often!
