Monday, December 12, 2011

Getting up to speed...

Hello again, it's been way too long since I've posted, but yes I'm still alive and well! 
Here are a few important announcements for those of you back home...

- Next year... in case you haven't already heard... I've made my decision! I will be returning to Peru for another year of teaching & ministry at MCS! 
Prayer Support Letters were sent out last week, so hopefully most of you received it. If you did not yet get one and would like one, please e-mail/message me your address and I'll send you one! 
January 8, 2012, at 6pm at Evangelical Covenant Church in Des Moines, I'll be sharing about my first year of ministry in Peru, and the opportunities in store for 2012! There will also be some yummy "tastes from Peru" afterwards. So mark your calendars, I would love to see you there!

These last few months have been jammed pack with school, youth ministry, volleyball, roommates & friends, and the changing of seasons! There is so much to tell about from that last 2 months, and also so much to complete over the next 11 days! Here are some moments that stand out:

 Having my 5th grade girls over to make cookies and braid hair :) 
This was an awesome afternoon filled with laughter! 
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Loved having lunch at my student's house! It's always fun seeing a glimpse of my students' life outside of school!
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 The Jóvenes (young adults) group from church 
having lunch at our apartment after the Sunday service!
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Coaching the 2nd & 3rd grade girls in volleyball! They are such a fun, teachable, goofy, and adorable group! They greet me every Monday after school with huge bear hugs! Love them!
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I also love working with the 4th, 5th, and 6th grade girls in volleyball! We finally had our first game after a few cancellations, and I think they have caught the volleyball "bug"! I can't wait to continue working with them for another year!
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NAP, the youth ministry at church, is a huge blessing and a lot of fun! 
Once a month we have a "special NAP" this one was Superhero themed.  
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Amber, my roommate, Margot, our Spanish tutor, and I
Margot is amazing when it comes to Spanish and English grammar! I'm thankful to have her as a teacher. I'm even more excited about the conversations we have about the gospel! Margot is very religious, but does not yet understand how Jesus can be her personal Savior. Please pray for her!
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 FAMILY DAYS!!! . . . 
. . . 3 days of competitions between Blue, Green, and Orange Teams. 2 days for students, 1 day for parents. The Red Team, aka the teachers, get to run all the events! 
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Spending time with my wonderful roommates during our Thanksgiving break! We had a full "American-style" feast, watched some football, and then decorated for Christmas!

Please Pray:
- We have 2 DAYS of school left! Please pray that I will take advantage of these last 2 days with my students, teach them, love them, and encourage them!
- Also pray for sanity as we have the Christmas program, grading & report cards, cleaning the classrooms, and then packing suitcase to come home (December 22nd i fly out)!!!

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