Wednesday, March 2, 2011

School is here!!!

... and Yes, we did eat it!
Cuy is a Peruvian delicacy
The past week has flown by! Last week was filled with training sessions, planning, organizing and decorating classrooms! It was a good week and I'm getting pretty familiar with the school and all the wonderful people who work there! I've loved connecting with the fellow missionary teachers and many of the Peruvian staff. They love to help me practice "Castellano" (Spanish), and asking me about all the Peruvian food that I have tried :) Speaking of which, on Saturday, while the school was being fumigated, Kari & I pulled ourselves away from the class work and went to Lunahuana to go white water rafting, four wheeling, and even got to eat Cuy, pronounced "koo-ee," which is guinea pig!

Then with a little more than 12 hours till school started, our books and some desks got through customs and to the school, PRAISE the LORD! So Monday night was a little bit like Christmas... on a time crunch! We were unpacking hundreds of books, taking inventory, and putting them in the right classroom. Thankfully everything was in order for the first day of school yesterday! 
1st day of school for
Miss Shirk & Miss Carroll

Thank you all for your prayers for my very first day of teaching! I was surprisingly relaxed the majority of the day, granted I have much to learn and many areas to improve in, the first day went pretty well! It was GREAT meeting my students and putting faces with their names, I'm excited to see how all of us learn and grow this year!

Pray for:
- "Meet the Parents" night on Friday
- that I will see every student through God's eyes
- that I continue to LEARN & become a better teacher
~ Love, natalie

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you ate the pig!! You are a 'real' missionary for sure! : ) I prayed for you...great to have specific requests and I lifted those up to Him as you asked. SOOOO happy to know those desks and books made it! I think HE will use your winning smile to endear you to the parents on Friday. Your love for people and your welcoming heart are truly reflected in your great smile!! It will help with any language barrier!!
    Love ya Miss Natalie
